Explored digital calendars to help elderly people with chronic diseases to establish self-management planning tools, form healthy lifestyle and memory rules, and optimize rest and medication habits.
Designed a gamification learning activity as a part of trial extra-curriculum course for K-12 Artificial Intelligence.
Simplify and automate payments. provide a cost-effective and painless global financial platform. From custom payment workflows to global accounts.
In-depth UX guidance and UI component implementations for devices. It enables personal, adaptive, and expressive experiences – from dynamic color and enhanced accessibility, to foundations for large screen layouts and design tokens.
Accessibility. Such as, Spacing and page layout problems, Color contrast problems, Text-heavy, and Lack of support for screen reader users and accessibility.
Static baseline color with default colors assigned to each color role. Dark and light theme. Accessible contrast. Type: display, headline, title, body, and label. The weight, fill, optical size, and grade of variable font icons.
Deep in dive the user experience. How user interact with the product on a practical, functional level, and observing how easily they can complete their tasks and meet their goals.
5 groups are set to test how much the button layout and share panel would affect the share penetration. The overall improvement is still limited (the personal page QR code sharing penetration 0.002%->0.009%).
Co-design session. It encourage critical interrogation of the voices we amplify in itp community curricula. We offer our students and faculty tools and frameworks to thoughtfully re-engage their course material with an equitable lens.